Test & BetriebTest & Betrieb

Revolutionizing Monitoring with AI: A Journey Towards Proactive Problem-Solving


Thu 12:15 - 13:00 Uhr | 2023

Revolutionizing Monitoring with AI: A Journey Towards Proactive Problem-Solving” offers a deep dive into the transformative potential of AI in application monitoring. We explore the shift from traditional reactive approaches to proactive, AI-driven monitoring. Highlighting FusionReactor’s OpsPilot AI, we discuss how AI, supported by dynamic application instrumentation, offers real-time insights and anticipates problems before they impact performance. Join us as we unveil the future of monitoring, where AI simplifies complexity, enhances problem-solving, and paves the way for observability of the future

Sponsored TalkFortgeschritteneEnglisch


David Tattersall

David Tattersall


David has been CEO of Intergral since co-founding the company in 1998, and under his leadership, it has grown to become a globally recognized provider of Application Performance Management (APM) tools. Prior to Intergral David co-founded and was CEO of IT-C, a European-wide provider of software development and consulting services as well as pioneering, web-based IT solutions. Previous to his work at IT-C David was a senior technical engineer and then project manager at Hewlett-Packard, focusing on HP’s worldwide order management and distribution systems. David holds a first-class Bachelor of Science Honors degree in Computing Science from Staffordshire University.