Core Java & JVM-SprachenCore Java & JVM-Sprachen

HotSpot vs OpenJ9

Which one to choose to cut cloud bills?


Thu 16:40 - 17:25 Uhr | 2023

Which Java Virtual Machine to choose? HotSpot is a reference implementation now developed within the OpenJDK project. OpenJ9 is another JVM originally developed by IBM and later contributed to the Eclipse Foundation. OpenJ9 claims great performance based on the DayTrader7 benchmark application study, where three fine-tuned OpenJ9 configurations are compared to default HotSpot. Let’s check whether HotSpot can be configured in a simple way so that it will show comparable performance results. We will look into experimental setup, reasonable tunings, and results for startup, footprint, latency, and throughput using different hardware and operating systems. This is how we maximize efficiency of deployments in practice.

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Dmitry Chuyko

Dmitry Chuyko

Dmitry is an OpenJDK committer and conference speaker. Prior to joining BellSoft, Dmitry worked on the Hotpot JVM at Oracle, and before that he had many years of programming experience, mostly in Java. He is currently mainly focused on optimizing HotSpot for x86 and ARM, and has also been involved in rolling out JEP 386 to make the smallest JDK containers legal.